What we do - Training



At CentrIQ, we have set it for a team mission to reveal the perspective of less articulated, inconvenient truths about sustainability. We reveal these truths that fundamentally challenge current mindsets on the impact people, communities and businesses impact the individual welfare and trigger environmental incidents.

As change starts with people, we challenge you in our workshop sessions and key notes presentations with facts on a new reality and question how you, as individuals, as a team and as an organization are impacting the surrounding context. Book us for an interactive session in which your teams become better informed and more resilient in times of profound instabilities.

Schedule a CentrIQ workshop or book a key note presentation to:

  • Identify areas where your company can reduce its environmental impact
  • Improve your social and ethical practices
  • Enhance your long-term financial performance
  • Develop the skills and knowledge needed to effectively integrate sustainability into your company's operations and culture
  • Achieve your sustainability goals
  • Improve your reputation
  • Position your brand for long-term success
  • Foster a positive work culture and improve employee morale

Sustainability Workshops

Key concepts: we develop workshops based on your personalized needs, including various sustainability and ESG themes.

Duration: 2 hours to full day, customizable to your needs

Format: Facilitator led, interactive, participants generate content

Target: leaders, sustainability reps, brand and marketing teams, product designers, sales people, operations managers and others who can engage in or influence sustainability practices within organizations

  • Exploration of the sustainability concept and the triple bottom line (People, Planet, Profit)
  • The truth about our (in)capacity to save the planet
  • Accountabilities and who is who: how CEOs, the loneliest people on planet, are expected to solve the global climate crisis
  • Reality check: stakeholders expectations and how your customers, employees and society actually think about you
  • Learning from unintentional mistakes: practices in the business environment that block added value from sustainability and ESG

Keynote Speeches

Key concepts: we prepare and deliver inspirational keynotes and presentations that bring valuable insights on sustainability topics and also set a tone of energy, inspiration and authenticity for your audience.

Duration: customizable to your needs

Format: customizable, interactive

Target: various profiles and sizes, according to your needs

Book an inspirational keynote presentation by our Senior Consultant, Andreea Nicolae, to gain valuable insights on sustainability topics and also set a tone of energy, inspiration and authenticity for your audience.

  • With over 25 years experience of building brand marketing strategies in the manufacturing and constructions industry, she helps her clients stand out from the crowd in competitive marketplaces.
  • Andreea shares with keynote attendees a proprietary set of truths and insights on sustainability, a learning method developed to help leaders and teams integrate complex sustainability issues.
  • With a passion for accountability and equity, Andreea is able to assist your teams in understanding the bigger picture when pursuing sustainability strategies and transformation.
  • Learn from Andreea unspoken truths on sustainability and the common mistakes organizations do in their endeavors, allowing you to skip straight to the things that work for your brand and people.

Topics Andreea speaks about:

In this key note, Andreea talks about how ESG has become mainstream thanks to the growing need for businesses to operate in a sustainable and responsible manner. As concerns about climate change and social inequality have increased, stakeholders such as investors, customers, and employees demand that companies prioritize environmental and social performance in addition to financial performance.

The audience will learn:

  • Frameworks, regulations and standards
  • Why ESG is important for investors.
  • Top performers on ESG metrics, industry leaders and visionary companies
  • The financial impact of transparency
  • A business journey to ESG performance

This keynote is a fit for leaders and companies:

  • Aiming to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices
  • Seeking a structured approach for assessing and improving on sustainability performance
  • Looking to foster collaboration across company silos and departments

In acceleration since the COVID-19 pandemic moment, public concern for environment protection has transformed from a social topic into a personal core value. The importance of preserving the planet has increased across the globe, with consumers expecting from organizations to adopt a responsible attitude towards environment care. Is your business ready for this shift?

The audience will learn:

  • Trending consumer expectations
  • Profiles and personas of green consumers
  • Why businesses should care

This keynote is a fit for leaders and companies:

  • Struggling with a growing demand for environmentally-friendly products and services
  • Losing market shares in front of green challengers
  • In process of improving public image and reputation
  • Having to generate cost savings, reduce energy consumption and costs on natural assets

Your company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance depends directly on your executives’ compensations. Tying executive bonuses to ESG performance can help align the interests of executives with those of the company and of the stakeholders.

The audience will learn:

  • ESG essentials – environment, society, governance - as key dimensions of sustainability to evaluate your company's performance
  • How ESG performance can be beneficial for a company's bottom line and long-term financial success.
  • How to focus on long-term value creation, rather than just short-term gains
  • How to improve your transparency and accountability

This keynote is a fit for leaders and companies:

  • Considering implementation of a sustainability strategy
  • Struggling with implementing sustainability initiatives and tracking the company's ESG performance.
  • Having to improve public image and reputation
  • Seeking to generate cost savings on natural resources and assets