What we do - ESG Reporting


ESG Reporting

ESG reporting is now a disclosure requirement from investors, regulators, ESG scoring agencies and financing bodies. European policy changes bring pressures on organizations to measure, disclose and improve on ESG-related issues.

We have a broad expertise in the art of telling compelling sustainable stories. While we know your stakeholders perspective is what matter most, we bring in our capacity to manage the complexity of the ESG metrics in order to generate consolidated reports for the benefit of your business.

Our reporting services cover three categories of interest:

  • climate change vulnerability
  • environmental footprint
  • usage of raw materials and natural resources
  • emissions
  • waste and pollution
  • health and safety
  • community relations
  • labor management
  • diversity
  • equity and inclusion
  • shareholder rights
  • risk management
  • board governance
  • business ethics
  • tax transparency
  • anti bribery

Step by step approach to your memorable ESG Report

As regulators make businesses and governmental agencies more accountable for their practices, it is essential that you enhance your reporting capabilities. Depending on the maturity of sustainability processes within your organizational context, our team steps in with a seven phases custom-fit plan to set you up for integrated reporting:

On an initial setup and onboarding phase with your key decision makers, we help you identify your top overarching sustainability priorities and what you want to obtain through ESG reporting. This discussion includes conducted interviews with members of your team as well as a preliminary sustainability assessment to review your organization level of maturity.

Who are we talking to? Each of your stakeholder segments have different perspectives and expectations from your business. Why should they care for about your ESG efforts? Are you facing preconceived notions on your business among general public or do you want to attract new investors? Adequately addressing your key stakeholder expectations is an essential driver for a clear, simple and cost-wise reporting process. And that's where we step in.

When it comes to ESG, your challenges are unique. ESG reporting is different from traditional financial disclosures and is more complex than corporate social responsibility reports. It refers to materials and impactful aspects that are relevant for your organization in the larger context of the industry, size, customers and other factors. For this reason, this phase includes a materiality assessment of your organization that is fully aligned to global standards and the Integrated Reporting Framework.

ESG metrics in the assessment


Your ESG reporting process will include a rigorous and well managed information gathering phase. Most of the organizations don't have a magical library at hand with single-source data ready for delivery into integrated reporting. On the contrary: consolidated data is difficult to access and most of the times, often in the last minute, “colleagues” from Sustainability, or Risks Management or Compliance Teams are called in, for help.

If you face the same challenges as most organizations, our assessment method in Step 1 helps you acknowledge and fix the "divorce" between corporate functions and sustainability experts.

Once the work is done, it is essential that your report stays in the ways of your stakeholders. To meet the legal requirements, it is imperative it has a digital interface, accessible to all interested parties. We will be guiding you to making your ESG report compliant, user-friendly for your audience groups. We will decide the best formats, level of interactivity, distribution channels, graphics and resources needed for production.

Majority of organizations make annual ESG disclosures, while in the case of the financial reporting it's the legal requirements that usually set the timing of the reporting. Data cycles also can set the pace to a quarterly, fiscal year end or calendar year end timeline. We think release of accurate data must be at pace with stakeholders expectations and it should remain a top priority.

As the name suggests, ESG reporting is a process, not a one-time exercise. As your organization integrates capabilities of gathering data and reporting on ESG matters, showcasing the evolution of your priority topics will become a natural aspect in your activity. We will jointly define possible updates of your reports in order to share your progress.