What we do - ESG Auditing


ESG Auditing

Performance drivers have changed. Success belongs to the most resilient and productive organizations.

What is your status quo when it comes to what matters for your stakeholders? Where are you today? What are the risks and opportunities your organization faces and what is the rationale behind your strategy?

Our CentrIQ ESG Assessment Tool accompanies organizations on their journey to a more sustainable future. Measuring your ESG activities shows your organizational status quo on important sustainability trends and materiality areas, provides a clarifying perspective and offers you the motivation behind your sustainability strategy.

Our audit provides specific data and strategic tools to enable decision makers take action.

Key strengths & opportunities
Weakest areas & limitations
Improvement recommendations

Our method:

  • is fully aligned with global ESG standards and United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
  • showcases your sustainability maturity level
  • establishes your individual scorecard
  • identifies strengths and gaps for your particular business context
  • offers a detailed profile of your organizational persona
  • personalized advisory on improvement levers, priorities and recommended actions in an organizational level action plan
  • available for annual improvement measurement
  • process is easy to handle on your side – you complete the requested data once, then share with CentrIQ consultants who prepare and deliver full report