What we do - ESG Advisory


ESG Advisory

Integrate ESG approach in your business to be more prepared to navigate economic downturns, global conflicts, increased regulations, energy transition and the impact these carry.

Is your business here to save the planet from the hottest issues it faces? Most probably not. But it's sure that your success in business highly depends on how you demonstrate how you contribute to generating happy interactions between happy individuals working in a healthy environment and on ethical premises.

Partnering CentrIQ means you will spend at least as much time creating new business, as you are for improving your business. Our sustainability approach solutions bring you reduced business risks, cost savings and new revenue perspectives. We are here to understand your business and your culture, your unique context requiring personalized solutions for your organization.

We help you focus on at least three competitive business priorities of the decade:

Demonstrate how sustainable your company is
Create long value for society
Make your company a future-fit

Our sustainability advisory services:

Leadership consulting – We enable managing boards to oversee, enable and deliver sustainability strategies. Starting from ESG assessments, we cooperate with you in establishing your focus priorities, based on your personalized risks and opportunities.

ESG Frameworks – We partner with customers to setup ESG, value oriented organizational frameworks.

Brand and product stewardship – We have a track record of reshaping portfolios and transforming brands through development and implementation of eco-innovation strategies.

Stakeholders engagement – End to end support in identifing, segmenting and prioritizing your key stakeholders in delivering sustainability objectives.

Capabilities assessments – We help you integrate sustainability into corporate culture and business operations, attract, develop and retain leadership, talent and skills needed to drive sustainability strategy and outcomes.

Sustainability reporting – Our key strength: articulating and sharing your sustainability story, ensuring the expected added value impact of ESG into your business.